Web/ReactJS intellij 인텔리제이 eslint typescript prettier Jaybon 2021. 2. 19. 13:07 세팅 www.yuts.me/posts/settingEslintOnIdea Setting up Eslint + Prettier + Typescript + React to IntelliJ Idea - Blog by Yuta Yanagisawa No one wants to see messy code. Writing readable codes makes you a good programmer but how can you know when your code is “Readable”? And here comes the lint to help you. Linting is very important when it comes to tidying up your own code, and there ar www.yuts.me 저장시 자동 포맷팅 www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/prettier.html#ws_prettier_reformat_code Prettier - Help | IntelliJ IDEA www.jetbrains.com